Eye Candy : Zhou Xun for Elle

Zhou Xun is the star of this dramatic editorial for the current edition of Elle China. The streets of Paris provide a backdrop for the dreamlike reality created in these photos. I couldn't find the information but I would presume she's wearing Chanel considering she's an ambassador for the brand. She was also a part of The Little Black Jacket: Chanel's Classic Revisited book and exhibition. 

The actress is currently on screens in Asia in the supernatural fantasy Painted Skin: The Resurrection which is a sequel of sorts to the 2008 Painted Skin. The first one was disappointing but I might watch this because the original cast of Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei and Chen Kun all return and they're all favorites of mine. She will be making her Hollywood debut in the epic adventure Cloud Atlas starring Tom Hanks and Halle Berry which comes out this fall. The film which is based on the book of the same name is described as an exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution. From the trailer I watched, it looks like it could be really amazing or a total train wreck. Each actor plays multiple roles and Hugh Grant is barely recognizable as a villain.

I haven't been around because I had to shut it down last week after feeling like I might be relapsing into a state of vertigo and tinnitus again. Abundant amounts of rest and limiting my computer time has helped and I need to keep it up for now as well as continue physical therapy for my shoulder. Pinterest has saved me from utter boredom. I can't use it much on my desktop but at least the app on my iTouch doesn't make me dizzy. I miss everyone and will try to pay a visit soon during my allotted computer times.


dimitri said...

These photos and outfits are beautiful. Love the first dress.
She's very elegant and pretty.
It's a great editorial.

The Dainty Dolls House said...

She's blooming stunning, I love these pictures, oh my!! So striking and dark!! Love love :))) I hope you get to feeling much better doll, sounds horrible!! Keep well and rest, take care of yourself and don't worry about blogging. You getting better is more important!! HUGS xxx

Antee Gurung said...

So beautifully shot pictures love them all

Do check out my new post

Ana Carneiro said...

Love these photos!!!
Hope you won't relapse anymore and soon feel good!

My Own Project

little luxury list said...

I'm sending you good vibes and hope you feel better soon dear!
These pictures are so romantic! I also checked out the trailer and it is SO cool!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

Inés said...

Aw, sweetie!...how dreadful, I hope this one to be a short relapse and soon we'll find you healthy and more like yourself! I send you my best wishes and all my support to you whatever, or whenever you need it, my friend...
I thank you to give us this beautiful editorial, which rise our spirit in spite of your difficulties...I really appreciate it!

Big hugs, sweet Rowena!


Maggie said...

Keep fighting, Rowena! *Hugs*
Her dresses are beeeeeautiful! Love the black and white tone of the whole shoot too.

Bravoe Runway said...

Hmm this does sound like an interesting movie and I do agree with you. It'll be either really awesome or a disaster. Zhou Xun is gorgeous! This is an amazing editorial spread.

Sorry to hear that you are relapsing again, I hope you feel better soon and are resting up. I'll have to check out more tv shows and movies appearances with Daniel Henney...ooo so hot. But I still love Song Seung Heun :)

Unknown said...

These photos are beautiful. I love the dresses they chose for the shoot too - they're all so elegant and romantic and match the mood of the shoot perfectly. I've never seen Painted Skin but it sounds like a really interesting movie. I'll have to check it out when I have some spare time :)

Get plenty of rest Rowena! I know it's probably really boring not being able to use the computer as much as you'd like, but your health is more important. I really hope you will feel better soon!

Shop N' Chomp said...

I love her face and the second to last pic. So innocent and pure. :) Take care!!

Leslie said...

Rowena.. so sorry you are not feeling well. Rest and do what you need to in order to have a full recovery.

The photos are beautiful. I love her hair and that dress in the first photo is gorgeous. Paris.. the perfect back drop :)

take care,

PAPS said...

Gorgeous gorgeous. What a lovely shoot.

Sam said...

She is utterly gorgeous and I just love her hairstyle, so much so I feel like chopping mine off in that style. All the white dresses are exquisite, especially the first one. Oh no, so sad to hear that you're not feeling too good. Time away from the computer does help. I hope some good rest and relaxation will help your condition. Thinking of you sweety.

Stacey said...

Zhou Xun has such a unique look and they've capture her perfectly here. Love this editorial! And take care Rowena! Sending you all my get well wishes! :)


These photos are amazing! You have to lvoe paris as the backdrop. Makes everything even more perfect, doesn't it?

So sorry to hear that you had a setback but glad to hear that you're doing the right thing to take care of yourself. And thank goodness for pinterest and your itouch, huh?

Feel better, love! xoxo

A BRIT GREEK said...

I was just looking at this shoot last night, it's so gorgeous isn't it, and she looks amazing!
The mood of the shoot in black and white is spot on.
Sorry to hear you're not on good form angel... I hope you get on the mend asap, but do take your time... we're all here! Thanks so much for sharing the movies!! Gotta check them out, it's ben ages since I watched a HK movie! Any others you can think of to add to my list?
Have a lovely weekend sweetness!
p.s I also wanted to see Blur and Noel with Liam on stage and The Rolling stones... alas...

xix said...

Wow...this is a magnificent photoshoot. Zhou Xun is absolutely stunning ( but that was to be expected ).
The feeling in these photos is an interesting one. On one hand, I get the feeling of Phantom of the Opera, though that could be due primarily to the mask the guy has on. In a few of the pictures, it feels as if the man is dominating her, but in some of the others, she reacts to him, almost in defiance. But, of course, I could be completely skewed with my reading. Either way, they're all beautiful.
And I hope you feel better! Health is the most important - rest, rest, rest!

♥ xixia | thisisxixia.com

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Oh wow! i didn't know anything about that rowena! thanks for the info. i love this shoot! that 1st and 2nd photo are definitely the most striking. she's fierce! yes, i received it (but haven't opened it yet). hahahaha i know i'm going to love it. thank you so much for including it in your store. definitely monitor your computer time. take care of you 1st. ((hug))

j said...

She is very pretty and I really like the necklace she is wearing in the second photo. I've never actually seen any of her movies {or her} before.

I'm so sorry that you aren't getting better. I can give you the name of the witch doctor if you want but apparently this is a thing many chiropractors do. I ran into an old friend who said he was looking for a chiropractor who wouldn't try to do weird things, just fix his back. :) You know how I feel about the ban on cold things, just plain wrong. There is a book she told me to get and I have to find, I'll take a look to see if there is something in there that is relevant to you and pass it along. It can't hurt.

At least you have Pinterest!

If you ever need a thrift store shopper, let me know. :)

Ang Lam said...

Absolutely beautiful editorial!!!


Marcela Gmd said...

Wonderful pictures!!!
Have a good weekend, dear friend!!

Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

Unknown said...

these photos are absolutely stunning. zhou xun is such a beauty. i have never heard of her before, but i am already captivated by her!

xx rae


500+ readers giveaway!

Shop N' Chomp said...

$10.99?! o.O Hope you bought a ton!

Unknown said...

It's just not fair that she's so beautiful!!! Hope you are having a very happy weekend Rowena!

xo Mary Jo

PAPS said...

She is very pretty. Also hope you are ok now. My husband has vertigo so I know what you must be going through.

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Hi sweetie ... so sorry that the vertigo is still in the picture for you, must be entirely frustrating for you, poor baby! I love seeing your pins on Pinterest, they're beautiful! This editorial is beautiful too, what a stunning gown in the first image! Get lots of rest and hope you feel better very soon, Rowena! ~xoSandy

SANDY M Illustration

trishie said...

She looks amazing. I wonder if it's just me, but I feel a sense of pride with I see Asians in the media looking so good

classiq said...

She's beautiful! The fourth photo is my favourite.

Unknown said...

Great pics!! Amazing!!!!

