Through My Lens : Recently

So I may have problems with walking at the moment but at least I can still take photos. 
I picked up this Marc Jacobs Beauty Nail Lacquer 142 Fluorescent Beige last week at Sephora and I'm already smitten. 
I suspect it will be making an appearance in my next Recent Loves feature and I'll talk more about it then.
Footwear options can be limited when you're in an ankle brace. 
I ordered another pair of Puma Zandy flats since I've been wearing my last pair in coral pink to the ground. 
I like that they're styled like ballerina flats with the comfort of sneakers.
We had some points accumulated at Amazon so I ended up paying just $7.56 for these.
Hubster got some new kicks as well. He's going on his third pair of Adidas Samba shoes.
He likes to be comfy for his commute and changes into dress shoes for work. 
These are classic cool and actually look really good with dress pants and a dress shirt.
We're big fans of Shake Shack and go there at least once a month. 
They recently introduced fresh cut french fries and they're awesome. 
I think the old frozen crinkle cut ones do make for better cheese fries though.
Nachos with chicken from Calexico on the Lower East Side. 
Not the healthiest thing but it's not like we eat these all the time and they taste so good!
I usually make boiled dumplings but decided to try my hand at some home made pot stickers.
The filling is definitely more complex. This is a mixture of pork, beef, shitake mushroom, chives, onion, scallion and garlic. 
The prep was worth it as they turned out incredibly juicy and tasty.
Berry smoothies or some variation have been my breakfast of choice for most of the summer.
I try to keep it healthy most of the time so that we can indulge a little when we go out to eat.
Love this!


Alexa said...

Gorgeous photos! I've never been to Shake Shack but that fries photo is really making me want to go!

mandy said...

Love the photos! Is the fresh cut fries at all Shake Shack locations? I went a couple of weeks ago and didn't see it at Mad. Sq :(

Unknown said...

Amazing pictures my dear.Seriously you should show us more of your shots apart from magazine issues because I think you have a talent there :) What camera and lens do you use?
And hope you get better soon and walk freely!!

Imogen said...

Everything looks so great! Fabulous.

dimitri said...

Love these photos. The food looks absolutely delicious. Everything is so great and pretty.
Have a lovely week.

The Dainty Dolls House said...

These are fantastic pictures. Gorgeous shoes and food. I love this window too, awesome :)) Have a lovely week doll xx

Sam said...

Hi Rowena, these are such great foodie pics! I am having a serious nacho craving now, those look delicious. So do the fries, I recall seeing a Shake Shack somewhere in the UAE and now I regret not trying it out. The flats are super cute and look really comfy. Do you make the berry smoothie? Please please do a recipe post :)))

Jackie Harrison said...

Mmm the nachos and dumpling love food now I want some of that. Cool post doll Happy Monday.

Anonymous said...

Your food pics are incredible!

Lilli said...

Hi Rowena! I always love when you make this kind of photos, is interesting to see in what you have been up recently. Please, I'd love to see the nail lacquer on your hands, the shade is stunning and super classy, great choice!:) I'm sorry for your ankle, take care, I know what it means since I strained mine last year and had to wear an anklet in neoprene for long, annoying! Oh yum, the fresh cut french fries look yummy, I am addicted to them, especially if are handcrafted! Also the smoothie looks good, I echo Sam and asking a recipe post!:) Kisses my dear, have a great week! xo

Jane said...

those puma flats are so cute! and omg - those pot stickers look so delicious!

MaysaAndSunshine said...

Long time, no see (read) Rowena. Hope your ankle gets better real soon. The nail polish looks so lovely, please model it soon on your fingernails. Yummy food photos as always. Take care.

little luxury list said...

I really hope you get better soon dear! It is definitely a bummer to walk around in an impeded state like that around Manhattan. I once had a cast and taking the train was horrible. My company at the time ended up covering cabfare for a few weeks which was awesome.
Anyway, I heard about the new fries too and they look great! I'm also very jealous that you've scored Marc Jacobs beauty products already! Have a good week dear!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

Emmylou said...

I hope those ankle braces come off soon, Rowena!
Those Puma flats....such a great pair. I need one of those:P

Jessica (Coco/Mingo) said...

Those food photos are making me hungry...again! Those pot stickers!! And we have a Calexico near me in Greenpoint, BK but I've never been there - those nachos are making me think otherwise :)

Unknown said...

you are a talent born! lovely pictures ,!

Jo said...

Oh no, what happened to your foot?? Also, it's lunchtime for me right now and your food pics are making me drooool!! hehe


Darcy said...

All of that food looks so good! Only 17 minutes until lunch time haha. Also, love the quote on the last pic!

Anonymous said...

Love all your photos. Those Nachos sure look delicious.

Mandy Paulino said...

Hey there, loved your blog, just followed you on GFC, (477) would you mind to follow back?

Come visit me <3

get carried away said...

Great photos!!!
Have a great evening!


A Very Sweet Blog said...

Rowena, I can't wait until your Marc Jacobs post! I purchased Marc Jacobs Desire nail lacquer and neo noir lipstick. I want to link your post to mine. So I'll wait for your review (if you don't mind). Love you & your hubby's shoes! You make wearing a brace chic! I wish I knew about that when I had to wear one. I wish there was a Shake Shack near me. The food looks delicious.

BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...

lovely post! that marc jacobs scent looks good!

Into The Blush, a Beauty Blog by Kenny.

Sarah said...

beautiful photos! ahh and ive been eyeing that marc jacobs product every time i walk into sephora. cant wait to see what you have to say on it! ahh and stop making me so darn hungry~ lol!

xoxo Sarah (xlicious girl)
Japanese Gyaru Makeup Blog

Amy said...

Mmmmm cheese fries. Ahh I'm missing my old fashioned french fries so much right now! *w* I also need to buy some dumplings for dorm life. Making them from scratch is too much of an embarrassing hassle when folks keep walking in and out of the kitchen...Hehe...

tr3ndygirl influencer e fashion blogger said...

love all pictures but the first one is amazing
check my blog if you want too:)
NEW POST -> Tr3nDyGiRL Fashion Blog

Marcela Gmd said...

Nice and delicious photos!!!
Have a good week, dear Rowena!! my g+ and like for you!!!:)))

Besos, desde España, Marcela♥


They certainly don't look the healthiest things lol, but aren't they always among the yummiest! Your shoes are so cute (and that brace *is* pretty stylish ;)!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

You should if you get the chance! It's amazing!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks! They started serving them first at the UES location. I read that they need to change out some of the kitchen equipment for them so it may take a little while before all the locations carry them.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thank you! I actually am a photographer and post my own photos one here quite often. Some of these were taken with my point and shoot Panasonic LX5 and the rest were taken with my Canon 7D.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks Sam! I hope you'll get to try it one day. Come to NYC and I'll take you :)

Ceciliette said...

Hope you heal your feet fast.
Love that last pic with the quote! So true.

ALLIE NYC said...

Wow I really hope that your problems with your ankle are resolved and that is a great sentiments posted

Ali of addressing Ken

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

It has been a long time Nelah, I hope you and your family have been well. I've missed your posts. Thanks so much for your well wishes. I'll see what I can do :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks Emmy! Me too!
Those flats are so comfy :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks dear! Walking around in the city in this state has not been fun and I just try to avoid the subway for now. Your old company was awesome to cover your cabfare. You just need to come back to the States soon to get your MJB fix :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

You totally should visit Calexico! The nachos are amazing and they have awesome quesadillas too!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I sprained all the ligaments and tore a tendon in my ankle boo.
Hope you got something yummy for lunch :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks Sarah! I eyed the MJB displays at Sephora for awhile before making a purchase and now I want more lol XD

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks ! They sure tasted delicious!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I guess British chips aren't quite the same. I bet you'd make a lot of new friends if you made dumplings from scratch at your dorm :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I'll try to do the post next week but I'll let you know when I do and I'll link yours to mine as well. Thanks for saying that! I'm so glad I didn't end up with a boot. My doctor said this kind of brace would be best for my condition. Shake Shack is always expanding so there is a chance that one might open in NO in the future.

Leslie said...

Yummy cheese fries!! and the shake looks so good:) Yes.. build a door if you need to! fun post Rowena and you take amazing photos! xxL

Prerana said...

followed back

Unknown said...

I've always lamented the fact that there is no Sephora in Ireland, but never more so than when the Marc Jacobs beauty line was launched!

j said...

I'm sorry about your ankle but at least the brace almost looks like it's part of the shoe! Fluorescent beige sounds like an interesting color, I'd love to hear more about it. I finally found the show I was talking about, it's called The Cafe, and around here it's on at 9 pm Sat and 5 am Sunday. I'm sure I caught part of the 5 am show. It seems like a series but I only saw the one and enjoyed it.

All your food photos are making me hungry, they look so delicious!

Unknown said...

Now, with these photos, I'm so hungry!!!!
Beautiful pics...I follow you on GFC, I hope you follow back!

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

I am really sorry to hear you are still recovering. I had to invest into some flat footwear, too, since my legs is also still in recovery. Oh well...
On a positive side, the MJ polish is so pretty!

Classiq said...

The nail polish looks lovely. And the package is beautiful (I love nice package). :) I couldn't agree more with that quote. Wishing you good health, Rowena!

Unknown said...

Some great pictures! Lovely blog, would you like to follow each other on GFC? xx

Sam said...

Awww you are the sweetest, thanks so much hun and also thanks for sharing your recipe with me. You are the best :)

CQUEK said...

shake shack and nachos count me in.. i like your puma.

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Oh those fries look so good!! And that is such a pretty polish! It's a perfect everyday shade!

Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

By Ana León said...

Great pics! I love dumplings And looks so yummy!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!

Monica Harmony's Blog

Mikka said...

Amazing photos, you're an amazing photographer, loving the foods so mouth watering really want the nachos now haha. Big thanks for the comment dear, keep in touch xx

Unknown said...

I love the saying and the nail polish.
Would you like to follow each other via gfc and bloglovin?

(Anna) la mode said...

Awww, hope everything with your foot/ankle is getting better!! Great photos! I'm almost out of my perfume and have been on the hunt for a new fragrance. I'm going to have to check out the Marc Jacobs one you got. And those nachos look amazing!!!


Coco said...

Dear Rowena, I was thinking of your walking issue, and a lovely brand featuring super cute ballerinas and loafers came to my mind: Ras. Hope it can help :-) Love all of your pictures by the way!
Coco et La vie en rose
Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook

Happyeverafterbride said...

Off to check out the Puma flats, but hope your ankle brace can come off soon!

Janamarie said...

You take amazing photo's ! wish you were my photographer haha ! :D
x Jana

Unknown said...

I love that quote! :) the food looks delicious! :)

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