
So I've done this blogging thing before but due to a lack of time and interest on my part, I gave it up. There were times when I was tempted to take it up again and I'm not exactly sure what held me back but I'm giving it another go now.  I guess I just really want a place to share my photography, interests and inspirations as well as recipes and pretty much anything else that strikes my fancy.


hope in high heels said...

Thank your for stopping by my blog - it's so lovely to have found yours as a result! Your photography is amazing and just a joy to look at. I look forward to reading about your NYC favourites so I can try them when I get back.

In answer to your question - yes, the Regal is a lovely old theatre.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks so much for your kind words! I love discovering new blogs and I like to share and learn from others.