Rena & Ian : Winter Days

On Rena : Sweater: Barbie // Dress: Barbie // Hat: Cool Cat // Scarf: Cool Cat (Ian's)
On Ian: Sweater: Vintage Ken // Coat: Twilight Edward Ken // Cap: Cool Cat

Rena and Ian are quite over the cold winter weather even though they always manage to look stylish no matter the temperature. They're looking forward to spring weather and spring outfits. I'm totally on board with that as well. With any luck, the impending snow storm will be our last of the season.


Sam said...

Now if only I could borrow (and fit into) Rena's tartan, especially in red, she looks so adorable. Ian is very dapper in his Burberryish trench coat. Just love these two!

Unknown said...

TOO CUTE! Rena is always effortlessly stylish xo

Lilli said...

Aww they look so sweet and stylish! Looking forward to spring too!:) Kisses Rowena!

Ely Ann said...

So cute! I'm totally with you on hoping spring comes soon!! We had a nice increase in temperature the last few days here in Italy, but now it's going back to rain and cold...:( Spring and summer, hurry up!

Hugs from Italy!

Ely xx

Unknown said...

They are definitely the most stylish couple I know! Thanks for the birthday wishes Rowena!
xo mary Jo

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Oh my gosh, so DARLING!! Rena and Ian are always so chic, no matter the weather! I think the snowstorm is going to just miss us, we're just on the edge ... bundle up and keep warm like Rena and Ian, darling Rowena! Thanks for your sweet comment ;) Kisses ~S

SANDY M Illustration

Anonymous said...

I love it a lot! Look how stylish and fierce they look :)

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Rowena, these are the most stylish dolls! I love their outfits! Does Rena have a new hairdo? So cute. You guys stay safe. I just spoke to my aunt (Cincinnati) and she said the snow is terrible there. Hope this is it for you guys. Warm thoughts my friend.

ALLIE NYC said...

I know I think we are all ready for winter to be over. I have to head out in to the storm for a dentist appt today aaa!

Those dolls are soooooo cooool. Where ever did you get them?

Ali of

Mónica Villar said...

lovely post!! :)

A chic kiss ;)

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Very stylish couple indeed! x


How brilliant! Rena looks very sweet. I must tell my daughter about your lovely blog; she loves reading about the lives of dolls ( :)

Giovanna said...

Very cool! Loving the styling!


Shop N' Chomp said...

I've missed these two! I see they are looking stylish as always. ;)

Melanie said...

I hope it will be our last!!!! =)

Fashion-isha said...

Oh they look so chic!

Unknown said...

Awww...i love these guys! These two always put a smile on my face. I think I'll tweet it.


dimitri said...

What a stylish couple! They look very elegant. I really like Rena & Ian. Perfect dolls.

Ivana said...

This is hands down the most stylish couple in the blogland! They are so darn cute! And I couldn't agree more: I'm so over this winter, and so ready for spring! We had a few beautiful sunny days, but we're back to grey skies today, and it's so depressing! I need more sunshine (and colorful outfits) in my life!

How are you sweetie?

xx Ivana

Macarons and Pearls

little luxury list said...

How I love their winter outfits! I hope the storm doesn't end up being too bad dear!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

Leslie said...

Such style they have :) and what a darling couple. They are looking cozy and ready for the impending snow storm (that will be hopefully the last of the season). We are All ready for spring!


Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

They are so cute!! And stylish! :-) We want warm weather too!

Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

Anonymous said...

Rena and Ian I'm over it too! ;)

Nicole said...

Hope the weather clears up soon xxx

A BRIT GREEK said...

Just how stylish are they? I love his lemon and grey colour combo and Rena's gorgeous frock!
Hope you have a super weekend sweetpea!

miss b said...

Such a stylish couple! I love Ian's chic coat. This reminds me of choosing outfits for my Barbie dolls and I even used to make little skirts and dresses for them too.


Yes, I am ready for spring! Look at this most aforable Tartan outfit. Have a wonderful weekend. xxMadison

j said...

I only wish I looked that stylish in the snow. I tend to look, or at least feel, bedraggled. :) I am ready for spring as well, I actually like the snow but I hate driving in it or commuting in it.

I hope you have a great weekend!

My Amazing Days said...

Wow!! Rena is so pretty, I would love to have a doll like her! I just got one from Monster High and I think she needs some winter clothes too (even though it's always summer here!). I love your blog so I'm following you now :D

Ice Goddhez Blog said...

And my much awaited doll-story is here again! Woot! Really love 'em dear :)

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homestilo said...

Love it- I swear I am currently looking for a coat just like that for my husband!