Pinch Provisions Minimergency Kit Review & Giveaway

Pinch Provisions Minimergency Kit Review

Some of you may remember when I shared the contents of my bag awhile ago. Well I've recently added a Pinch Provisions Minimergency Kit to the stash. This super handy kit packs 17 emergency essentials into a portable, cute little zip pouch. I haven't had occasion to use any of the items yet but I certainly like being prepared for some of life's little emergencies. I think this is fantastic item to have in my purse and it would make for a great gift as well. In fact I liked it so much, I picked up another one just to give away.

Pinch Provisions Minimergency Kit Review
Pinch Provisions Minimergency Kit Review

This Gold Stud Muffin Miniemergency Kit includes:

1. hairspray
2. clear nail polish
3. nail polish remover
4. nail file
5. lip balm
6. earring backs
7. clear elastics
8. mending kit
9. safety pin
10. double-sided tape
11. stain remover
12. deodorant towelette 
13. pain reliever
14. tampon
15. breath freshener
16. dental floss
17. adhesive bandage

This is an international giveaway that starts June 15, 2015 and ends on June 30, 2015. Entries will be verified for eligibility. One winner will be randomly selected. You can enter through this link or the Rafflecopter widget below. The widget can be a little temperamental so if it doesn't load on this page, just CLICK THROUGH HERE FOR IT. Good luck!


Jess Maryy said...

I always carry my pain reliever because sometimes on busy days I have headaches, so I never leave the house without a good pain reliever!

May Cho said...

Oh, the pouch is so adorable yet chic! It's got such great items in them, and how interesting that it has a clear nail polish, haha! Good luck to everyone participating :)


Bianca Munoz said...

I try to always carry some kind of water bottle and napkins!

Bianca Munoz said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

Margaret Dallospedale said...

Hi Rowena, this kit is very useful. I love the pouch.
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog

Emmylou said...

This is very handy to have, and love the gold clutch too:D

Paola Lauretano said...

Adorable kit, so useful!!!
Take care always, love Paola, xo.

My Facebook

Anonymous said...

What a neat little kit :-) Good luck to everyone who's entering!

Marcela Gmd said...

Nice kit!!!
Have a good week, dear Rowena!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))

Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

The Dainty Dolls House said...

This is so cool, very cute :)) xx

Lilli said...

Morning Rowena! Oh, this sounds like something my purse wuold need too! And you know, I see this cute kit suitable even for trips, not just in emergency cases, is genial! Have a nice week my dear, many kisses! xo

Stanislava E. said...

Hi Rowena! Oh, this is such a generous giveaway! I always carry a lip balm in my purse and powder, because my skin is oily and it gets often too shiny. I think that this kit will be perfect for my upcoming vacation! Have a nice day, Rowena! xo

Elle Sees said...

LOVE pinch!! i have a few of these and give them as gifts.

Nequéren Reis said...

Que maximo amei, uma semana abençoada.
Curta meu Canal:

Frikken Duckie said...

How cool is that!! I hope I win!

I always carry a bottle of Motrin in my bag in case of a migraine.

Miharu Julie said...

Nice giveaway

New post :

Shireen L. Platt said...

I didn't even know there's an emergency kit for us women! LOL! The pouch itself makes the kit worthwhile, it's so pretty and definitely a great kit to have in the bag!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

Rebeca Muñoz López said...

The kit is very useful, good luck girls!

Ivana Split said...

This kit is precious! I like the idea of being prepared and now that I have read what it contains I like this kit even hair spray? how cute is that!

I do agree with you that it would make a wonderful gift.

I wish you a great start of the week!!!!!

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

Wow, it's a great kit and I love the idea of being prepared. My purse really need something like this. Have a happy Monday! Kisses <3

Swati said...

wow...the kit is so useful...

Colleen Boudreau said...

Chapstick, because I hate when my lips feel dry.

Oh to Be a Muse said...

I have a few things from Pinch as well, and they have everything you need. So great for on the go!

Anonymous said...

Oh, love this kit! Such a useful item to have and it makes a great gift too.


Tea Bandić said...

I always carry a pain reliever for my headaches, a tampon (we all know why :D ), a lip balm for my dry lips and paper handkerchiefs.
Thank you for the great giveaway! :)


Everything a woman / girl needs! Definitely perfect for travelling!
Happy Monday, lovely! <3

xxx Ira

Leslie said...

Happy Monday Rowena! THIS is perfect:) and something we should all carry. Nice little container too! xxL

Unknown said...

Wonderful so useful
Ciao ciao


A Very Sweet Blog said...

That is really cool Rowena! I'm always losing the backs to my earrings. HaHaHa It's so good they included that one. Love it!

Lenya said...

What a neat little kit, Rowena, great giveaway, too. Now don't you laugh, Rowena, but when I saw the first pic I thought, what the heck has golden eye shadow to do with an emergency kit..........I said, don't you laugh......see I have a single golden eye shadow, I believe it's from Revlon, that looked exactly the same when it was new, lol.......
Happy new week, Rowena

Unknown said...

I love this kit...the gold pouch is so cute!

Anonymous said...

I always carry a water bottle in case I get thirsty.

Kelsey&Kenecha said...

Awesome kit! A lot of useful stuff in there. :)


Hoda Katebi said...

This is so cute! I always keep a pen and notebook in my purse because I can't function without a list and also I often jot down thoughts or ideas throughout the day that I don't want to forget! xx

<(') Hoda | JooJoo Azad, a fashion + social action blog

ALLIE NYC said...

I know these are great. I have one of these, they are perfect for Fashion Week or attending a long event.

Allie of ALLIE NYC

Unknown said...

such a great giveaway..

Midnight Cowgirl said...

I love the Minimergency Kits! You never know when you are going to need something :)

oomph. said...

i love this...saw some near the checkout at our sephora and was tempted to get one. i always have bobby pins and hair ties because when it gets hot, especially on the drive home, i have to be able to put my hair up.

little luxury list said...

That looks like a pretty cute set! I always have some type of lip balm or lipstick for a quick flash of color!

little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

trishie said...

What an awesome kit. I love the packaging too

Marina Makeup said...

some pain killer because there is always some pain to "kill" :)

Imogen said...

So need one of these and the golden bag is very pretty.

Blackswan said...

Wow, I've never seen such a pretty emergency kit, dear! Great giveaway & good luck to all! xoxo

julia mazzucato said...

Love this kit! I am always carrying at least three different lip products and my pink iPod!
Julia // Little Miss Haute Couture

Effortlesslady said...

Such a fab kit!!. Lovely giveaway!!


Seems like such a great kit to have on the go as well. Good luck to everyone. Have a lovely week Rowena. <3
Wedding Inspiration

Gabrielle said...

How fabulous - the gold case is a really lovely distraction from it's handy, multi-purpose contents.. what a brilliant idea! I have entered and so answer the question from the Rafflecopter, I always carry plasters around with me as I often get blisters on my feet :)

Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice


Ivana Split said...

R: yes, it is interesting how easy it is to dress down an outfit!
Have a nice day!

NotJessFashion said...

This is a really cool post! This is amazing! What a great kit!

Jessica |

K / House of KTS said...

I just love this emergency kit. Every girl needs one in her purse. I know I always have one whenever I need it.This is such a cool post Rowena.

Kia / The House of KTS

Jackie Harrison said...

Awesome giveaway a practical one

BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...

I like this a lot!

STYLEFORMANKIND.COM / Facebook / Bloglovin

Unknown said...

I just joined this giveaway contest :)

Such a cutie kit to have..

Jhem |

Kim Pincombe-Cole said...

I always carry pain reliever, band aids, hair spray (even takes out ink stains!) and double sided tape (for almost every fashion emergency).
~ Kim Pincombe Cole

t said...

I love how everything is so mini size and cute!

Anonymous said...

My lipgloss

Unknown said...

Hello!! Such a cute blog I am following all of your pages now!! I love all of it. I always always always have a gloss/Chapstick with me I can't stand if my lips dry and chapped

mitchkat said...

Lipbalm and band aids, i must always keep my lips moisturized especially where i live ( crazy hot weather) and for the band aids it became a habit of mine to have atleast one cause you'll never know when you get a cut / blister and this is also due to my work wherein i work in the kitchen so its a must!

Mari V said...

I always carry lipbalm, mascara and wet wipes

karin said...

I always carry a lip balm in my purse to keep my lips mosturized

Unknown said...

I always carry a lip balm in my purse , wet wipes , hand cream and a bottle of water

samantha.tedesco said...

I always carry a lip balm and kajal :)

Irena said...

I always carry a lip balm for my dry lips. Thank you for this giveaway!

Unknown said...

A lip balm - I love when my lips are hydrated and moisturized :)

buchanl said...

My camera . I love capturing moments in time to look back on

Lynsey Buchanan

Jime Olivares said...

I always take chapstick and deodorant with in my purse since I hate chapped lips and b.o. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Love these minimergency kits! I gave one to my future sister-in-law for Christmas!

Unknown said...

What a brilliant idea ! Thanks for this great opportunity to win, Rowena !
I always carry my Psalter - before any lipstick, mascara and pocket mirror, I have my little piece of (heaven) God ...

Unknown said...

My phone

Anonymous said...

I always carry a lip balm with me. It's a must. Recently, lipstick is a must and a spray mist to keep my face hydrated all day. I'm a bit sensitive to the cleanliness towards my surrounding so you'll see me bringing tissues or wet tissues around. hahaha thanks for the giveaway btw :)

ענת פז קוטלר said...

my phone and pen & papers

Unknown said...

I always carry lip balm in my purse because with sensitive skin my lips are always dry.
Thanks for the chance!
Alexia Harvours (on Rafflecopter)

Anonymous said...

Lipstick, i always touch up when needed !

Irina G. said...

I always carry a lip balm in my purse cause my lips are dry.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Katherin C. said...

I always caryy chapstick. Lovely giveaway!

VANDA said...

My lipstick, lovely giveaway, thanks

Marta K said...

Tampon and band aids. Always helpful.. even if not for me.

T Iv. said...

mint candy - because I talk a lot

Unknown said...

I always carry chapstick! I don't know why, but I honestly don't think I could survive without it! Dry lips just freak me out.

nightowl said...

i always carry nail clippers because I hate having a hangnail and no way to get rid of it.
(Rafflecopter name is Kimberly).

Unknown said...

I always carry tissues in my purse

Ari said...

I always bring hand sanitizer with me! I can't stand my hands being dirty or smelling funny after handling food or anything else.

Elena Rudaya said...

I always carry a nail file in my purse because i have thin fragile nails that are easily broken.

Mindy Bel said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!
My lips are always quite dry so I always have a lip balm in my purse :)

NasyaRob said...

I always carry lip balm and powder!

Unknown said...

I always carry lipstick :D