10 Things I Do For My Skin

Good Skincare Habits, What To Do For Good Skin, Healthy Skin Habits, Skincare Advice

There are some things that I wish I had started doing earlier as far as taking care of my skin when I was younger or knew better but it's never too late to develop good skin habits. I actually get asked about my skin care quite often so here some things that I do for it in addition to my product regimen. I really think that no. 9 has some truly incredible anti-aging and skin clearing benefits.

1. I drink plenty of water and start the day with a cup of hot lemon water everyday.
Skin is hydrated from the inside out. Drinking water helps skin to be moist and glowing and reduces the appearance of fine lines/wrinkles. I swear by lemon water for a daily detox to keep my skin clear. It also has loads of other incredible benefits btw!

2. I eat a balanced diet that includes healthy fats.
There is something to be said about feeding your skin and I believe that healthy eating leads to healthy skin.  I'm a part-time vegetarian and I try to eat clean most of the time concentrating on lean proteins and foods rich in antioxidants and healthy fats like Omega-3s that are good for your heart and can keep your skin looking soft, supple and radiant. I haven't given up french fries or pizza but I don't eat them very often.

3. I make sleep a priority.
Beauty sleep is not a myth and sleep does wonders to reset our skin as well as our bodies. If I don't sleep enough it definitely shows up on my face and my skin appears dull and tired so I try to get my 7 - 8 hours every night and take advantage of the repair cycle.

4. I use sunscreen daily.
Getting into a good SPF habit is a key for preventing aging and decreasing the risks of skin cancer. I got into a habit of using a broad spectrum sunscreen everyday no matter the weather so it's something I don't ever have to worry about.

5. I never go to sleep without washing my face.
I used to do this in college and it was so bad. Over the day, environmental pollutants accumulate on your skin and bacteria can build up. Grossness factor aside, this can lead to clogged pores and generate breakout causing free radicals. Even if I don't a full on double-cleanse, I always make sure my face is clean before bed.

6. I exercise.
Exercise boosts circulation and improves muscle tone. It also generates endorphins which have anti-inflammatory and mood lifting benefits not mention it helps with my energy levels.

7. I regularly use wash-off and sheet masks.
I'm a big believer in targeted skin care so masks play a role in my skincare routine to treat ongoing issues like hyperpigmentation or deal with seasonal skin concerns like dryness. I even make my own masks.

8. I switch up my skincare seasonally.
The condition of my skin definitely changes with the weather so I adjust my skincare routine accordingly, like using products that build up a better moisture barrier to prevent dry skin during the winter and using stronger SPF during the summer.

9. I don't eat sugar.
I gave up sugar years ago and I wasn't even fully aware then what a fantastic thing I was doing for my skin as well as my body. Refined sugar causes Inflammation that produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin. Glycation occurs when digested sugar attaches to the collagen in your skin. This causes aging and aggravates any existing skin conditions like acne and rosacea. My intake is limited to an occasional treat and usually a few bites. Honestly I don't miss it at all.

10. I exfoliate regularly.
I use a number of mild exfoliating products/methods a few times a week to slough off the dull top layers to remove impurities and reveal new, healthy, glowing skin while minimizing wrinkles, acne and dry spots. Exfoliation also helps my products to work better.

What do you do for your skin? I'd love to know!

Photo: Sure Korea


Beauty Unearthly said...

Great! Loved your detailed post.

sonia // daring coco said...

I really try to make sleep a priority but lately it isn't working. I have back pain that is disrupting it. Grrr. I've noticed a change in my complexion which I blame directly on this hahaha.


Unknown said...

Great post, I also drink loads of water, exercise and make sleep a priority. Changing my diet like you and reducing sugar was the greatest gift I gave my skin. Its more important than any expensive creams I think. X


Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like you really take this whole skin thing seriously! Good for you! I try to live a healthy lifestyle well in order to keep my skin healthy but fact is that it's just not always possible. And even if it was, I don't think I could be that disciplined all the time. I wouldn't want to be.

Marcela Gmd said...

Great post!!! It is very important to drink water to hydrate the skin but not always do:(
Have a good week, dear Rowena!!! my g+ for you!!!:)))

Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

Adria said...

These are some great tips! I love exercising as well, it helps me prevent the unwanted wrinkles!

Paola Lauretano said...

Oh Yes, it's Really important to drink water... Interesting post Rowena!
xo Paola
My Facebook

Jackie Harrison said...

We do have similar routine I with you with drinking water and lemon water, and also it show in your skin what you eat a healthy balance is important and changing your regimen routine is helpful because sometimes our skin gets blah with the same routine and exfoliating is very important. Great post.

Nequéren Reis said...

10 dicas maravilhosa amei sucesso, tenha uma semana abençoada.

Emmylou said...

Oh wow! Rowena, you have to give me some of your discipline. This is seriously a great routine/habits you have. Alas, with me...well...no comment....:P

Corinne said...

I need to get better at drinking water! I tell myself every day I should but I just never do. Doom.

Corinne x

Lilli said...

Morning Rowena! I do enjoy this post a lot since Im pretty obsessed with my skin routine and always like to discover new tips. You know, just last week I started to start the day with hot water and lemon too, I truly see the results and benefits, why I didnt do before! And I agree with u, n.9 is very important and I should follow ur example. Im too greedy too and I cant give up on sweets though!:/ Happy Monday my dear! xo

Gabrielle said...

How incredible you gave up sugar years ago, that is undoubtedly the hardest one for me! I'm with you on exercising and drinking plenty of water, especially in the morning :)

Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice

Elle Sees said...

i wish i could give up sugar--that one is tough!

Anonymous said...

Great tips dear!

Please click on the link on my post

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Superb tips doll, I need to take better care of my skin really. Happy new week xx

Lena L said...

That's like a perfect 10! I wish I could say the same. I think I do most of them suggested here but not consistently, I'm afraid. And I've definitely fell asleep with my makeup on. Eeeep. ;-/

Blackswan said...

I'm guilty of some of the above, dear. I'm terrible, hardly drink enough water daily. Sigh! xoxo

Lena L said...


(Have a great week, Rowena! ;D)

little luxury list said...

Luckily I follow a lot of your tips! I actually had some sugar this past weekend and today and maybe that's a reason my skin was freaking out. I also begin every day with lemon water and get as much sleep as I can. It's all about treating your body right!

little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

Shireen L. Platt said...

I drink a glass of water as soon as I wake up, exfoliate at least once a week and yes, to exercise. I only use sunscreen when the sun is out though but am trying to use it daily now.

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

Fashion Snobber said...

10 tips really essential! :)

Lenya said...

Great tips, Rowena, oh well #5 guilty here too, lol. Those where the days, rushing home in the middle of the night, too tired to be bothered to wash the face, yeah I remember those days, lol. Same goes for #9, no sugar, I just can't stand it, tho. We share pretty much the same routine, except for the lemon water and the exercise. I drink loads of water, always have. So we'll see the results in due time ;)

►Naďa said...

very helpful post :)
please follow my blog : THE COLORFUL THOUGHTS

Unknown said...

Thank you for the tips! you really can't get enough skincare tips, can you? I'm still working on the no sugar thing as I heard it helped many, unfortunately, candy is my biggest weakness and I'm always falling back in the habit of eating it regularly!

Filippa ⎮ http://alwaysadot.blogspot.com

Ivana said...

This is such a great no-nonsense and comprehensive list, Rowena! I think that when it comes to skincare, consistency and patience are essentials, and I love that your tips are something that we can follow no matter our occupation or budget. I definitely need to work on numbers 4 and 9 - thanks for the reminder! Hope you are well!

K / House of KTS said...

hot lemon water is so essential. I always start off my day with it. And eating a balanced diet is crucial to your skin. I absolutely loved this post Rowena.

Kia / KTS


One of the best things that my parents taught us growing up is taking care of your skin (mind, soul, and body). It's too important -- plenty of sleep is hard at times for me, but everything else that you mentioned above I agree and also do with my regular skincare routine. Have a great week.
Back in the Kitchen

Hena Tayeb said...

wow that is a great list.. with little kiddo's sleep is really one the biggest challenges.. i am trying to make drinking lemon water a habit.. but for now our morning's are so crazy it is usually a hit of miss. thanks for sharing.. motivates me to try a little harder.

Leslie said...

Wow Rowena! I am so impressed.. you are on it and I'm sure you do, and will continue to be beautiful and healthy on the inside and out:) Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

Loved this post - hot lemon water is FAB!

Elle x


Margaret Dallospedale said...

Hi sweet Rowena, vey useful tips babe
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog

Anonymous said...

I do 5, 6 and 10 but reading your list, I realize that I could and should do so much more!


Kelsey&Kenecha said...

Wow! I think I need to take better care of my skin. I don't know If I could give up sugar though.


Coco said...

I am keen on reading carefully your blogs on skincare, not only because you have beautiful skin, but you know what you're talking about! My skincare regimen is very close to yours except for sugar. I know. I must give it up... Thank you for the useful roundup of beauty tips. Much love dear Rowena! Baci,
Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi

ALLIE NYC said...

Great tips not always the easiest to stick too but when you can do it, it pays off.


Midnight Cowgirl said...

Love your skincare tips! I need to do a better job of not eating sugar, but it's hard to say no to chocolate :)

Effortlesslady said...

I do most of these tips, I'm trying hard to give up sugar!

j said...

Except for the lemon water and sleep items I'm the same. I'm working on my skin care regimen to find better products rather than sticking with what I've been using. What I have is working but it's just okay.

You're totally right about giving up sugar. After a while you just don't miss it. :)

Sybil said...

great habits!! need to get myself into incorporating these!! :D

Have a great week!
Animated Confessions

nancy @ adore to adorn said...

those are great things to maintain healthy skin! I do lots of similar things myself. Washing my face before bed is definitely one I always strive for the most. Even when I'm dead tired, I'll take my makeup wipe and at least rinse my face if I don't feel I have enough energy to do "everything" that is part of my night routine. =)


Raden Ayu/MI said...

I always use sunscreen even at home :)


trishie said...

I also drink lots of water - I find it really helps. That, and sleep!

NotJessFashion said...

this post is so helpful! people often forget that beauty is not only skin deep, it also comes from within. love your pointers on overall health for awesome skin :)

Jessica | notjessfashion.com

Stanislava E. said...

Wow, Rowena, you lead such a healthy life! I loved these and I truly admire you for giving up the sugar! You know, this is one of the biggest drugs for humans. I also drink a lot of water - like 2-3 litres a day. I also try as much as I can to go to bed with a clean face. I hate it when I still have make-up on it (as well as I don't go to bed without cleaning my teeth, no matter what!). Look, I have a problem with the sunscreen protection. I simply don't have that habit and I know that's not ok. Have a nice day, dear friend!


Sunstreetbymonica said...

Amazing and heplful tips Rowena, thanks for sharing!:)
I drink a lot of water and exercise every day as well, but I can´t live without chocololate.

Diana Mieczan said...

I love those tips and SO well done for giving up sugar. Kisses, darling


That's how my skin routine looks like too, except of sugar! I have a sweet teeth and in case I lost the appetite, I eat sweet things. Not good at all... Haha! Gotta work on this thing! I also dring lemon water in the mornings, preferable cold. Really interesting to get to know more about your beauty secrets, Rowena!

xoxo Ira

Jane said...

lemon water sounds great. i think i remember reading in your previous post about it as well (?) i should consider that. and i never thought about switching up my skin care by the season but it's also something to think about as well! i also exfoliate regularly! some folks say it's too harsh on their skin but i have found it to be helpful!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

well, it was because of you Rowena that I learned about double cleansing! it's really helped my skin.

Indy said...

I looove this post! I'm really interested in your tip about giving up sugar! I've heard it's great for your skin but never heard from anyone who actually gave it up. I think it would be hard for me, but would probably just do a world of good. I think that's something I will have be a goal of mine!

Winscribbles said...

great things to do for your skin! it is so important to stay hydrated :)

Winn | ♥
winscribbles.blogspot.com | Instagram

Valerie said...

Great post! These are all such wonderful things to do for your skin...I always drink hot lemon water everyday as well!


buffalo journeys said...

such great tips. I've been trying to do most of it on the list, but I fail miserably when it comes to sugar. I've cut back on it quite a bit, but I'm still unable to completely cut it out of my diet.

Ivana Split said...

You have a lot of healthy habits and I do share some of them too! Personally I love sweets, but I don't eat them very often. I realized that it is better for me to eat a cake now and then (the one I prepare myself in a healthy way) than to drink sweet drinks. Having a cake once in a while is a nice treat and it helps me to avoid sugar in other forms. I can drink coffeee without sugar and I've never took tea with sugar. In fact, I can't imagine drinking tea with sugar. It just doesn't sound right:):). I always clean my face before going to bed too...even if I'm not wearing any make up.

Sangeeta said...

I'll find it hard to give up sugar. I can drink my green teas and white teas without sugar. But for milk I need a bit of sugar and the occasional sweet binge.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Sorry to hear about back pain disrupting your sleep. I hope you're able to get some relief and good shuteye soon.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Good for you! Yes I agree that our diets can make an even impact on our skin than the most expensive creams.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I really try. It's not always possible for me either but I always try to keep moderation in mind.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks! It is and I don't always drink enough when I'm outside but I try to make up for it when I get home.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Exercise really does have some great benefits :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

It is! Thanks Paola!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Ah cool to hear you have a similar routine Jackie. Totally agree with you on maintaining a healthy balance.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...


Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I really try Emmy. Some times I do give in and have that fried chicken though ;p I'm sure you're not that bad :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I used to be terrible with it as well. It's easier once you get started though.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I'm so glad to hear you started the hot water with lemon and you're already seeing the benefits Lilli! I don't think everyone needs to give it up but even cutting down sweets will help.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I did it for health reasons and I think my body didn't miss it once I stopped. It's hard for most people but I think reducing sugar intake is impactful as well. Yes to hydrating in the morning!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

It is a toughie but cutting back is also good :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thank you!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Glad you think so. Your skin's pretty good already!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

What ever you're doing is fine since your skin always looks great Lena! I'm so grateful that cleansing wipes exist now. I could've used them in college when I did that all the time.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

It's hard to get into a habit of drinking water. You can build up to it though.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Good on you! Yes I totally believe that if you love your body and treat it with care, it will love you back.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

That's good Shireen! I used to only wear sunscreen when it was but then I read that UV rays are prevalent even when it's not so I just do it every day to be safe.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...


Rowena @ rolala loves said...

It;s good that there is such a thing as cleansing wipes now for when we're too tired to wash our faces. Drinking alot of water has such great benefits. I'm sure you're seeing some already Lenya :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I can't ever get enough skincare tips either! Good for you for trying to give up sugar. I used to love candy too but now I never think about it. Maybe you could start replacing your candy with fruit :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Hey sweetie, good to see you! Yes it's so true that consistency and patience are key to skincare since there's nothing that will work overnight. I think its a matter of common sense as well. Good luck with the sunscreen and sugar. I think with sugar just cutting back makes big difference. Hope you're well too!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Cool another hot lemon water drinker! It really is a good way to start the day. Thanks Kia!

Unknown said...

Your healthy habits are definitely something to be admired. It takes dedication to have beautiful skin and a healthy body, we must follow more of these steps too!

ISA Professional

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

My mom taught me as well and it's always been on my mind going through life. Of course putting it into practice is the most important

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Yes getting enough sleep can definitely be a real challenge with little ones. Hopefully it gets easier as they get older and you can get into more of a routine with the lemon water as well.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

It definitely takes a little work but I think it's worth it to take care of yourself as you well know Leslie :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks! Yes it is!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks Maggie!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

It's probably harder for you since you travel so much but I bet you could Anouk!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I don't think everyone has to give it up entirely but eating less is doable for most people and it will be good for your body and skin.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thank you for the kind words Valeria! I'm definitely not an expert but I like to share what works for me. It sounds like you have a good routine in place. You could always have less sugar instead of totally giving it up.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Not easy but worth it!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

There's always dark chocolate which is low in sugar and has loads of antioxidants :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Good luck with that!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I hope you can find a skin care regimen that actually improves your skin. You can't miss what you don't have ;)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Best of luck!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Good for you! Makeup wipes are definitely a godsend foe when you're too tired at night :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

That's a great habit especially since UV light can come in through the windows when you're at home.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Yep water and sleep are two biggies.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Yes what we put into our bodies will manifest outwardly. Glad you enjoyed it!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I try but I'm really more about moderation rather than deprivation. I have read articles about sugar being like a drug and it's kind of scary. You do a great job with the water. I hate the feel of makeup in my face at night too and I'm the same way with teeth. If you make sunscreen part of your skincare like moisturizer, it will become a habit more easily.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

That's great Monica! If you eat dark chocolate, you're good since it has a lot of good benefits.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks Diana!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Good for you Ira! I used to be that way with sweets but I just tried eating different things instead. Lemon water is really good!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Lemon water is really beneficial for the entire body. The frequency of exfoliating should vary based on your skin type but it's good even if someone does it once a week since it increases cell turnover and removes dead skin.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I'm so glad that double cleansing has been good for your skin Kim. I don't feel like my skin is truly clean if I don't do it now.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks Indy! Giving up sugar is definitely tough but I think even if you can reduce your consumption, it can make a big difference. I would say start slow and just try using less or having a piece of fruit instead of a cookie and don't be hard on yourself cause it's a process but it can be done.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

It really is!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks! Hot lemon water is great!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I think that even if you just cut back, it will have benefits. Most people can't cut it completely. I'm just at the point where sweet things don't even appeal to me.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I try and it's not always easy but I just remember moderation. Having a cake every now and then is definitely ok because it's more of a treat and you also probably enjoy it more. And it's even better when you make it yourself since you can control how much sugar goes in. That's great that you don't take your drinks with sugar. I think that's where people get a lot of their sugar intake.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I think a little bit of sugar is ok. It's just bad if you have it all the time with everything.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks! I wish I had started earlier and it does take dedication but good results make it worthwhile.

Jenmarie said...

Love your list! I do most of these things too. I think it'd be very beneficial to add some lemon to my water. I know someone who gently scrubs her face straight from a lemon and she says it totally helps to clear her skin up! Do you just cut the lemon in half and add it to your water? I'd love to know!

withwonderandwhimsy said...

I do most of these things as well, but your tip for adjusting your skincare routine for each season is genius and makes so much sense. My skin gets really dry and ashy in the fall and winter, but I've never thought to upgrade my moisturizing routine. Obviously this is something I need to look into. Thanks for this!

<3 Liz

Unknown said...

Wow, this is a very popular skin post!! I love your tips and I am always improving ways to take care of my skin!

Ursula aka Blueridge Beauty

Vanessa N said...

I do most of these, mostly because my skin condition is starting to hit the fan and I'm starting to panic and DOOOO ALL THE THINGSSSSSS for my skin. I stay at home/indoors most of the time, so that's sunscreen taken care of L O L. I'm trying to be better about my eating habits too--I've been making better efforts to drink more water, limit my sugar intake (though, I can't remember the last time I actually added sugar to anything. Plus, even drinking a can of soda feels too much these days. MY BODY IS REJECTING JUNK FOOOOOD!!) I really should start exercising though. Not only good for the skin, but y'know, the rest of your body XD
And since I *always* wash my face before bed, I actually deliberately didn't wash my face for one night this past summer. I was curious as to what it would be like, and I didn't remove my makeup that night either. NEEDLESS TO SAY, MY FACE WAS SUPER GROSS IN THE MORNING.

Debbie P said...

Thanks for all of the great tips.

Jackets Inn said...

thanks for sharing knowledge