Style Wise : Mittens

I admit it. I might be addicted to mittens. I mean I only buy them like they're going out of style. Of course I remember a time when mittens weren't really popular and especially hard to find. That's a notion I apparently haven't been able to let go of. I turned to mittens cause gloves never kept my hands warm and I also didn't like the feel of them. And they're way cuter than gloves. I'm glad they're so much more accessible these days but that may only fuel my addiction. I just saw this cute Kate Spade pair the other day...

I'm quite fond of my little collection. I actually have two more pairs than pictured here but they were omitted for the sake of symmetry. Yes I'm anal like that. 

Are mittens a yay or nay for you? Is there anything that you buy like it's going out of style?


prettymeggy said...

me too!!!! i'm so addicted that i often buy and keep in my drawer.. they're so cute!!!!!
btw dear.. check out my blog, i just give you an award :)
take care. xoxo, Haus of Gala

j said...

Your mittens are super cute! I wear mittens mostly since they are so warm. I've even been known to wear a pair of thin gloves inside my mittens {usually in Canada when it's -20}.

Crazy for fashion said...

I love them! I think they are so cute. Have a lovely weekend <3<3

Paula said...

lovely <3!

BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...

i so love the pink one.

Erin @ Currently Coveting said...

Holy moley that is a lot of mittens! My apparent addiction is striped shirts :)


hope in high heels said...

lovely collection! And obviously required for an NYC winter... I'm woefully under-prepared hand warmer wise for when I get back! I seem to collect ballerina flats like they're going out of fashion. I have jewelled, metallic, patent, fabric and so on and so on... need to switch to boots for the winter! Happy weekend!

amy b.s. said...

i am in need of some new mittens! and some of these are just too cute!

Cafe Fashionista said...

Ohmigosh these are all so adorable! I LOVE the pink! :)

Grace said...

this is so cute! i love your collections. I always want them but I feel they're so impractical for me because it's never that cold the pom pom ones from asos! they're so cute and fun :)

Shop N' Chomp said...

Super cute collection! *^_^* I'm strangely drawn to your Olympics ones. XD I just own gloves. :sad face:

(Haha...not crazy at all! I haven't seen Chopped and now I'm curious)

Happy weekend!! :D


Wait, those are all yours?!?! What a fabulous one! I'd say you probably have a slight addiction but that's ok. We all have our things :)

I love mittens myself. They make me happy. I might have to pick up some colorful ones this weekend. You've inspired me :)

Have a great weekend, sweetie! xoxo

Hannah {Culture Connoisseur} said...

Well, living in Florida, it's never really cold enough for mittens, but I really like the ones you have there with the little poof on top! So cute!

Unknown said...

These are all YOUR mittens!!! I'm seriously impressed. Love those black ones with the pink stripes!
Happy weekend to you!

xo Mary Jo

Gillie said...

These mittens are so cute and definitely necessary in cold winter weather! thanks for the follow, I'm now following back :)

xo Gillie

Bonnie said...

I have a mitten obsession. I have to wear them anytime I am outside because I get such dry hands. Whenever Mr. A and I are together, instead of saying, "Hold my hand," I say, "Hold my mitten." Then I giggle like a schoolgirl because I find it hilarious.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

THE HF BLOG said...

they're so cutee! want them all!!!

Inês de Castro said...

I love them. I never bought mittens, not really sure why because yours are the cutest thing!

dimitri said...

Your mittens are so nice. Love them all. What a lovely collection !
Love the stripes, and perfect colors.

Marcela Gmd said...

Have a wonderful weekend!

Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

Haute Eyes said...

Ive never seen so many mittens!! They are all to die for!! im officially following you! Stop by my blog today to tell me what you think of the latest post! Thanks, love! Have a great weekend!


Ana Carneiro said...

The faux fur ones are lovely! They look so nice!

Sayaka said...

Wow are these all your mittens?! What a cute collection!!

my mini bag said...

Love mittens. Nice collection.
I love the bright colorful ones.

Lena L said...

you have quite a collection!
i don't own mittens. only just a couple pairs of wool gloves.
the new ones with pom poms(?) on is my favorite! :D

ShyScout said...

Yay for mittens!! You have quite the excellent collection :] I only own a pair that my friend gifted to me but I love them. They really do keep your hands warmer than gloves.

little luxury list said...

You have a great selection! If you love it, wear it my dear!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

Veronica P. said...

great selection !

Stacey said...

I think mittens are so cute! I dont wear them much though since it doesn't snow where I live. Love your collection! Especially the one with the pom-pom!

Anonymous said...

Very very cuuute Mittens!!!
I shared on facebook now!

akiko from Tokyo

MizzJ said...

Hehe I love mittens too, though I always hated it when my mom made wear them with that string between them so you wouldn't lose them. You have more mittens than anybody I've ever seen, but I can see why they're tempting when they're all so cute and cozy!

Btw thanks for checking out my blog :)

A BRIT GREEK said...

How many cute mittens do you have??? I do love em, but I need my fingers to do stuff...

Hope you have a fab time this weekend!

Unknown said...

definitely a yay but i haven't worn them for a long time now. Winter hasn't been cold enough to wear gloves which is great! you have quite a collection there, I have never known anyone who has that many mittens! hehe xx

Maggie said...

Mittens are so cute! But I must have my fingers so I go for gloves hahaha
My knitwear addiction is beanies. Almost bought another one yesterday! ...I probably am going to go back and get it though. -le sigh-

Vina Yabut said...

Cute! I'd love to wear one if only the weather here in our country allow me to. :p although there are times that it's cold but its still not enough for me to have an excuse to wear these :p

sorelle in style said...

Mittens are a total yay! The only downside is you can't really use your cell phone while wearing them. You have quite a cute collection!

Hope you have a lovely weekend! :)

sorelle in style

homestilo said...

I'm a huge mittens fan as well. Love the leather metallics.

Audrey Allure said...

Cute mittens!

Mary M. said...

Aw, how cute, I adore mittens! I have 2 brand new pairs from h&m in fact, with stripes on :) I was wondering if you'd like to check my blog and/or follow. If you do so, please let me know so I can also follow you on Google Friend Connect.

Love, Mary

Anonymous said...

Nice post!!! If u want visit my blog, there is a giveaway !

Unknown said...

great collection dear!

designchic said...

I love mittens for warmth. My hands seem to stay so much your collection!!

Liz (Beauty Reductionista) said...

I don't own a single pair of mittens. I like the idea of them but feel trapped with my fingers unable to do anything. In fact, I'm in the market for those fingerless gloves to add to my glove collection. But the sight of all those mittens lined up are a real treat! So cute! :)

Bad Joan said...

wow that's a lot of mittens!


Marionberry Style said...

Oh my gosh - those ASOS mittens are amazing!! I need them...
Also, I love that you omitted 2 mittens in the name of symmetry. I would have done the same thing! :-)

Such a fun post! Glad I just found your blog :-)!

XO - Marion

Fashion-isha said...

I'm not a mitten girl, I find them to be impractical...but your choices are gorgeous. Thanks for stopping by!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

I think mittens are cute. I'm loving your collection. Those Kate Spade's are funny Rolala AND on sale. LOL Enjoy girl :D

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Yay another mitten lover!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks! I think I would prob. do that too in such frigid temps.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Lol! Indeed!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

They def. come into use for NYC winters. You might not need any hand warmers when you return considering the unseasonably warm winter we seem to be having. Oh my your collection of ballerina flats sounds amazing!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Hey you're lucky it doesn't get cold enough to need them.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks! It must be the color :)
Oh I'm glad you don't think so.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Hehe I guess there are worse addictions ;) Mittens just make me happy too.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

You guys are too cute!

trishie said...

Very cute collection! I love your "currently most worn" one. It doesn't get cold enough in Australia to wear them.

Jessi said...

Oooh I remember you had those red Olympic ones :) I love mittens, they're much more comfier and warmer than normal gloves. Mine are all pilling now cuz I wear them everyday :( I love the navy pom pom ones, they're too cute! I love your collection :)

Anita said...

I love mittens, but it never gets cold enough to wear them here ):

Unknown said...

cool picks!!!

Chocolate Cookies & Candies said...

That's singularly the biggest collection of mittens I've ever seen! :) I think I need to get ones that still allow me to use my iPhone.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Those are my faves right now as well :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Yes these are mine! Thanks!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks Dimitri!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks Akiko!!!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I prob. wouldn't own any either if it was never cold and snowy where I lived. Thanks!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I hated that string too! I just can't seem to resist mittens for some reason. Thanks for visiting me back :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

17 pairs as of right now. I usually just take them off when I need my fingers, It's abit of a hassle but I'm used to it.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Hey you could always go for the version with the mitten top that comes off. Oh I might have a slight addiction to beanies too...

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

They are def. better for warmth! Thanks!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Most people don't care for mitten for the same reason as you. You could get the fingerless gloves that have the removable tops for the best of both worlds :)

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

I think those ASOS mittens are still available. Haha thanks! I'm glad to hear that :) I so glad you came by!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Thanks Kim! Lol don't encourage me :)

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

I love mittens, but I don't think I have ever actually owner a pair. I guess I am more of a gloves girl? I love so many of the pairs you posted.


michellek said...

i want the pom pom mittens. personally i prefer gloves though. i am always using my hands gar. but this collection is so cute. just wow. you have a lot and all in good condition. :P

Ivana Split said...

wow, what a perfect collection!