Through My Lens : Snow
January 24, 2012
Living in New York, I have a love/hate relationship with snow. I'm often awestruck by it's beauty as the snow falls, frosting the city in white but it's another story once I find myself having to navigate through the black slush that it inevitably becomes. We were hit with record snowfalls last winter but so far it's been fairly quiet on that front this year. I almost miss it as snow is a subject matter that I never tire of photographing cause it can be so magical. In that spirit I wanted to share a few of my favorite snowy images. It can get a little tricky but I love taking my doll/photo muse Rena out for photoshoots in the snow. Does it snow where you live and is it something you like or not?
I love these photos!!! :) Your doll looks beautiful and cosy. It's like a winter wonderland (metropolis)
These photos are so beautiful. It's really a lovely place.
wow these pictures are aamzing!!! and gosh your baby doll is such a cutie!!!!!
i've been waiting for snow to arrive but our weather here is crazy...
take care. xoxo, Haus of Gala
You have some beautiful pictures! I was hoping to bump into at least 1 snowy day during my winter trip but of no luck. I guess no snow for me this year.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Yea, I got my Louboutin from my bf as a birthday present =) I hope to see you again soon at my blog.
Gorgeous images, love! NY can be so magical in the snow but you're right. It quickly turns to a nightmare :) xoxo
These pictures are absolutely beautiful! I think snow always looks so picturesque. I love snow as it is so pretty, but after a while when it turns into sludge/ice it isn't so pleasant. We usually get a bout of snow but this winter it's been relatively mild! xo
Love the fourth photo, the trees are so beautiful.
I'm from Iceland so I'm definitely used to snow. One evening, a few days before Christmas, it began snowing in Antwerp but the snow was gone the day after, and we haven't had any snow since. I'm kind of hoping we'll be greeting spring early this year ;-)
You are so talented! Beautiful beautiful photos!
I feel the same way that you do. But it is our city. You gotta love it.
Maybe we can follow each other?
You take amazing photos!! Really love that 4th one. :D Nope no snow here!
I love looking at a frosty scene but I get cold so easily and the dreaded black slush is probably what sent me packing to California! Very pretty images!
xo Mary Jo
These photos make me actually like the snow lol They look beautiful!
Wow, New York is incredible. The pictures here look stunning! :D
Wow, if we get this kind of snow here in the UK, the whole country would shut down. I hope to visit NY one day.
These photos are lovely, especially the doll one :D
These photos are absolutely beautiful and Rena looks so at home amongst the white fluff!
Love & Lollies... Jessa
I wish it snowed where I live, is so beautiful *.*
Great blog, thanks for the nice comment :)
Nice photos!! Snow is very pretty.
These pics are beautiful! I love your doll pic. I think that's so cool. It never snows in New Orleans. Well the last time was in 2005 or 07 for like 5 minutes. LOL I think snow would cripple this city. No one is use to it. :D
INCREDIBLE photos! You are a wonderful photographer :)
I think I totally get it when you say you have "love hate relationship". I used to live in MA when I was young so I get it...but the pictures you took really makes me miss the east coast. The pictures are gorgeous!!
Gorgeous! I wish we had some pretty snow here!
Wow, I am awe-struck by these magical photos, what a winter wonderland! Wish I could be there in the snow :)
what amazing images, just adore NYC .. yep, it's snow here sometimes, but not as often and wonderful like back in the days! x
I totally agree with you about snow. It's nice when it comes down and things get quieter and pretty. Then things get dirty and gross and you have to trek through it which is much less fun.
I love the pictures you took, especially the closeup of the branch. Rena looks a bit like the doll in Batchelor's Vegetable Store {one of the first episodes I think}. Have you seen that show?
These prints are gorgeous! I know what you mean about the love/hate relationship with snow...thanks for visiting my blog!
why is that new york through other people's eyes is always more beautiful??
(maybe i need to look into my soul rather than trying on new makeups, huh? ;p)
i really appreciate your beautiful pictures.
and it is nice to meet your muse doll Rena! :)
Gorgeous photos and your muse looks as if she's loving the snow ;) ... I'm not missing the less-snowy winter this year either. It's been rather WONDERFUL as a matter of fact, as beautiful as snow can be! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a note at Ooh La Frou Frou and your compliment on the cards! ~xo
Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou
Wooooowwwww, such beautiful pictures!! It's really snowing over there! We did get some snow here in Vancouver but nothing compared to that. Plus, it doesn't usually stick and instead melts and turns dirty and grey from the traffic, I hate that :(
wow! so pretty. you take such gorgeous pictures. You make me want to go to New York and get out of the sun and into some cold weather! (just for a day)
I have the same relationship with snow - it's beautiful but good for really just a day!
Chic 'n Cheap Living
I just love these photographs...we don't have snow where I live in Australia, so I have a romantised view of it.
ps love rena
I love how snow looks in pictures. I can imagine it would be inconvenient, though. I've never actually seen it in real life!
I LOOOOVE SNOW! I cannot live without it! When I grow up/get a place of my own, etc., I *have* to live in a place with all four seasons. And I'm a winter baby, hehehe. LOve your pictures! :D
Thanks Adele!
Thanks! It does actually look like a winter wonderland before it gets gross.
Thanks Dimitri! It is.
Thanks! Our weather has been just crazy too.
Thanks! Too bad you didn't bump into any snow this year but there's always next winter :)
Thanks Dawn! I wish I didn't.
I know the feeling all too well of a love hate relationship with snow! I feel like our winter was quite mild this year and really can't complain and the snow has now melted in Chicago :) Love the doll with her knit beanie :) beautiful!
Thanks Sarah! Snow does look picturesque. I guess it's a mild winter everywhere.
Thanks Lisa! It seems snow is just scarce all around this winter. I'm hoping the same thing ;-)
Thanks Tiffany!!!
Yes we gotta love it :)
That dreaded black slush is just insidious! Thanks Mary Jo!
Thanks Stephanie! LOL!
New York is incredible! Thanks!
Safe to say no massive snow storms in the UK then. I hope you'll make that happen :)
Thank you!
Thanks Jessa! Rena loves the snow :)
It's probably warm and sunny where you live but snow is a nice experience.
Thanks! It can be.
Thanks Kim! It would indeed be strange if it were to snow in New Orleans.
I guess you miss it when you don't have it anymore. Thanks!
Thanks Erin! I'm kind of wishing for more.
Thanks Sam!
Yes I totally dread trekking through the gross stuff.
Thanks! I am watching Bachelor's Vegetable Store but my friend told me about all the tragic melodrama in the first 2 eps. so I kinda read recaps and skipped them. I'm so bad I know ;p I must go take a look now. Rena does come from a Korean doll company so I wouldn't be surprised.
Thanks Sharon! I appreciate your visit as well :)
We all see beauty in different ways Lena. Thanks! She's happy to meet you all too :)
Thanks Sandy! Rena soes enjoy the snow ;) I go back and forth on whether I miss it or not.
Thanks Jessi! It's so nasty when it turns dirty and grey.
Thanks Grace! That made me smile :)
Yes I wish I could admire it when it was still pretty and then it'd just magically disappear.
Thank you! I've seen the good and bad and I still have a romanticised view of snow. I swear there's something magical about it.
It's better and much less messy in pictures.
Haha I love the snow but I can actually do without the cold and I'ma winter baby too :) Thanks Maggie!
I wonder if we might see an early spring based on the mild winter. Thanks!
Does not snow here in San Diego...but I do love the way it looks!
OMG the squirrel is so adorable! i doesn't snow in Sydney and i don't really miss it because it don't cope very well with the cold. But snow certainly makes for amazing photos! The 3rd one from the top is my fav.
Picture perfect shots! That little squirrel is so darling!
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such awesome comments, hope to see you back soon!
Peace. Love. LOL!
snowy photos are always so magical and pretty, though i don't think i could survive in a place with snow! being from northern california, rain is enough for me!
The pictures are gorgeous. I have a love hate for snow too. I like the first snow fall but hate having to drive or walk in it. You take amazing pictures.
You take gorgeous pictures. Love the snow when it's fresh but not after it turns into that black slush. The doll is super cute. Love it!
Heel in Mint
You've been tagged, my friend!
very nice photos! i miss snow to be honest !
breath taking pictures~ i wish i lived in new york! thanks for sharing hun xoxo
love from the NANA girls xoxo
Your photo's look so good! I'm really enjoying them, just gorgeous. Love the doll too;) My brother is in NY now actually but there's no snow I believe. Wish I was there instead of him and experience the magical snowy world for a moment. We haven't had any yet in Holland and I don't think it'll come either... Enjoy your week!
Gorgeous photos... almost makes me want to leave the sunshine here in Australia immediately so I can go back to NYC, put on a warm coat and wander around taking photos in between sips of hot chocolate... Almost!
SIGHHHH I wish it snowed in S'pore!! :(( haha but i guess the grass is always greener on the other side. Most people I've spoken to who have to deal with the snow hate it and people like me? DREAM ABOUT IT :D
Ooo I take it you celebrate CNY too?? Happy CNY :D how did you celebrate!
What beautiful photos!
I stayed indoors during Vancouver's snowstorm, but that was because I was sick. If I had been well, I would have taken my camera outside and snapped, snapped, snapped away.
Yeah if you're not used to it, dealing with snow could be quite overwhelming.
Thanks! I guess we feel the same way about it :)
Thank you! I don't even want to look at the black slush never mind walk through it.
Ooh! I'll be over to check it out :)
Thanks! I think I would too if I lived somewhere w/o it.
Thank you! New York is a fun place to live. You must visit!
Thanks Christel! Glad you like them! No theres isn't any snow in NY at the moment. We've hardly had any all winter.
Thank you Hope! I can't imagine you would want to leave that gorgeous sunshine behind.
Ooh it would be sooo strange if it snowed in Singapore. So true about the grass being greener but snow is something that is pretty fun if you haven't experienced it before.
Thanks! I celebrated CNY with the usual family dinners and we always go to temple on New Year's Day.
Thanks Lisa! I have a hard time staying indoors when it snows cause I just want to capture it :)
Thanks Trishie! I would actually like the snow without the cold but they go hand in hand.
Hi dear! That picture is so very lovely, I love NY at this time of year, but not so much the snow! Your blog is lovely, if you want to take a look at mine it’s at, if you’d like we should follow each other! :)
xo Gillie
Stunning photos! You are an awesome photographer. I was in NY in November, can't get enough of the Big Apple every time I go.
WOW! I´m just awestruck by these pictures! So beautiful and dreamy! I´m in love :)
xx Ivana
Stop by sometimes :)
Macarons and Pearls
Beautiful photos! It's something magical about snow. I always dream of a white Christmas and I can not imagine spending Christmas somewhere warm. We haven't had any snow though this winter until two days ago and since then it's been snowing non-stop. We're practically snowed-in, it's all white, bright and beautiful, but when it turns into a black slush I won't enjoy it that much. xo
Gorgeous photography!
I like snow only when I'm watching it fall from my warm home, with hot chocolate in my cup :)
wow, you take beautiful photos. i've never been to NY before, so thank you for sharing your lovely photos. i'll totally come back to your blog for more~
WOW! You captured last weekend wonderfully. You are so talented. I love it.
Such a pretty picture!!!!
Thank you for your sweet comment dear, and WOW, this is beautiful! *.*
I have a similar relationship with snow, ha ha:)
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