Floral Friday : Flower In Focus

Peony Flower, Pink Peony, Red Peony, White Peony, Peonies, Flower Photography
One flower takes the spotlight for this month's Floral Friday and I chose peonies which happen to be my favorite for their delicate beauty and light sweet fragrance. What is your favorite flower?

Floral Fridays is a monthly photography project with different themes each month. This series is about fun and taking time out to smell the flowers. To play along, please email Trishie for next month's theme. And please visit my fellow participants below for more inspirations. See more of my Floral Friday posts.

Happy Independence Day to all my friends and readers in the US! I'm so excited the fireworks have moved back to the East River in NYC and we can watch them from our terrace again. Be safe and enjoy a wonderful weekend everyone!


My Garden Diaries said...

Oh I am so glad you picked this flower friend! You capture it in such a stunning and delicate way! And the assortments of colors are scrumptious! Have a lovely 4th!!! Nicole xo

helen said...

peonies are some of my favorites!!! sooo beautiful :)

trishie said...

I'm glad you picked peonies too! They are so beautiful and have a beautiful scent

Unknown said...

daisies are my favorite but these are beautiful as well! I love flowers xo

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Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Peonies are so lush and beautiful! I've always wanted to grow them. Your photos are lovely.

Happyeverafterbride said...

Happy Freedom Friday Ro! I love peonies and this summer I have been surrounding myself with them. Love your post.

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Love them! This year I had my own white peonies and it was so wonderful just to stop by and inhale the fragrance. Have a wonderful day and happy 4th July! x

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Adore peonies, they are my favourites as well as lillies, so beautiful and they smell amazing!! Gorgeous pictures my dear...I hope you have a wonderful Friday & weekend too x

Lilli said...

Morning Rowena! Your choice for the poroject is my fav, peonies, together with roses, are my ever fav flowers! The red version in particular is so beautiful and so are your shots, make me want to grab them, smell and put them here at home!:) But I didnt know what the blossom means, so interesting discover it. Happy 4th of July my friend, hope you have a wonderful weeekend and lots of fun!:) Many kisses! xo

Emmylou said...

I love peonies....such a lovely flower, eh? :) Happy 4th of July!

Jackie Harrison said...

Love them so beautiful Happy 4th have a great weekend.

Vanessa Thornton said...

These photos are stunning. You take the most gorgeous photos :)

TooClothesForComfort xx

Poppy said...

Beautiful images of my favourite flower! We grew the pink variety in the garden of one of the houses we owned, while growing up in Canada, and their sweet and refreshing scent is still very fragrant in my memory.

Thank you for sharing! Happy 4th!


Sam said...

Aw wow, peonies, are so exquisite, they are the crowning blossoms of the flower world! Beautiful photos. Thanks for your visit, Happy 4th of July Weekend!

Jane said...

i love that you chose the peony! such lovely flowers!

Style and Paper said...

Peonies are my favourites too!!! And happy Indepence Day sweetie!!

Style and Paper

Lena L said...

Love your photography!
My favorites are white orchids with purple lips but I love peony, too. It adds such a delicate feminine touch when used in fragrances.


These photos are marvellous of the peonies. I love flowers, especially tulips (my favourite), but adore the peonies, and hydrangeas too.
Enjoy your weekend Rowena.

Paola Lauretano said...

I love peonies!!!! Amazing pics!!!!
Happy 4th July Rowena!!!

My Facebook

Unknown said...

Wow. Your peonies are stunning.

Margaret Dallospedale said...

Oh my gosh my Sweet Rowena
So stunning
Have an adorable weekend
Maggie D.
The Indian Savage Diary Fashion blog

ALLIE NYC said...

Haha peonies are my favorite too!! They are just so lovely and come in such wonderful colors. What's not to love? And what a fun idea. And Happy Fourth to you too!!

Allie of ALLIE NYC

Leavepillow said...


My Little Home and Garden said...

You can include me among those who love peonies; your collage is beautiful. In my garden, I don't have any like the luscious, deep red ones in your photo. They're gorgeous!


Jessica (Coco & Mingo) said...

Just beautiful! I love peonies! Happy 4th of July and enjoy your weekend, my dear! xoxo

Unknown said...

I love Peonies too! Its little difficult to get it in India but nevertheless its soo pretty!
Love Nilu Yuleena,
BIG hair LOUD mouth BLOG
BIG hair LOUD mouth FACEBOOK page

Effortlesslady said...

Beautiful! Happy 4th of July!!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Rowena,

Love your pretty peonies and they are such gorgeous flowers - your photos are wonderful.
I wish I could grow them here.
Happy fourth of July and enjoy watching the fireworks.

JeannLiew | Luminnej said...

Ooooohhh so pretty! Lovely shots. They are such beautiful flowers. Though my favorite is tulip but peonies never fail to light up the mood whenever you see them!

Hope you are having a lovely weekend, as blissful as these flowers, my dear friend! Thanks for cheering me up when I was a little down past few weeks, now that I am back, am so thankful *_^

Madaline said...

Peonies are just so gorgeous - I just wish they lived longer!

María Pilar Bernal Maya said...

I love all those flowers
new post: http://tupersonalshopperviajero.blogspot.com.es/2014/07/my-3-oasap-summer-tops.html

Blackswan said...

Great sharing! I love flowers too! Rowena, come & join our NuNaturals NuStevia Goodies Facebook International Giveaway! Simply like, tag & share to win attractive prizes!

Unknown said...

beautiful flowers!

Anonymous said...

I love peonies! My mum plants them in her garden. Have a great weekend.

Charlotte's Frame said...

I love the colour of the dark red one! :]

Vanessa N said...

Hope you had a lovely Independence Day!
UGH. IN AWE OF YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY SKILLS. You've managed to make these peonies look uber delicate. I remember one year I had access to a garden full of peonies, so I had a large vase full of them and they made me happy for quite a while. My room smelled divine for weeks. :D

x said...

Beautiful photos, I love all kinds of flowers :)

Stella said...

They look so beautiful, nice photos chosen.
Stella from a A Shiny Place

Lizelle said...

I really like peonies too! I think they're my favorite but we don't have them here so i anxiously look forward to seeing them up close some day. Thank you for sharing :)

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

great selection as always I have enjoyed this blog hop! next time I know I can use more than one photo!!

Lady parisienne said...

This is lovely!
Have a great week!

Putri Valentina said...

Whhat a beautiful flower :D


A Very Sweet Blog said...

Those are so beautiful! I love peonies in any color.

Lady of the Manor said...

I love peonies and you've captured these beautifully!! Love the different colors!

rahul said...

independence day photos