Fill Your Life...

Experiences over Stuff,What's Important Now
If this global pandemic experience has taught me anything, it's that most stuff is superficial and not important. What is important is staying healthy and getting through this. When all of this is over, what I'll be taking out of it, isn't meaningless material possessions but rather how I got through it and the lessons I learned as far as a better appreciation for the connections I've shared with others. As well as writing my thoughts here, I've been keeping a journal during all of this which is serving as a personal record as well as helping me to process my feelings and rediscover the joy of writing for myself.

This NYT article entitled FOMO Is Over. Give In to the Joy of Letting Go - really resonated with me. As I've been dealing with cervical radiculopathy which has at times been very painful, I've let go of many habits that deal directly with artifice. When you cant't lean forward without feeling pain, tweezing your eyebrows is not a priority. I haven't stopped my skincare routine but I have shifted to less products. I'm not wearing makeup and I'm washing my hair once a week (down from 2). Self care includes exercises that help my condition, massages, naps, baths, walks on my balcony and staying off social media. And I'm happy. My husband still tells me I'm pretty or cute every day and he just wants me to be pain-free. I'm having a harder time letting go of the housework because I like an immaculate home but my husband has been stepping up for me there as well. There is a certain joy to letting go and it's okay if you want to right now.

P.S. We cut my husband's hair over the weekend. He did it with the clippers and I helped him to blend and clean it up. We only cut the back and sides for a two block effect. It came out pretty good.


Emmylou said...

(((HUGS)))) chingu! After having health issues this year, it really does clarify what is and is not important in life. Sending you healing thoughts, my friend. I hope the pain is getting better as the days go on.
PS Thanks for the link to that NYT article.
PPS I love those two-block haircuts. When this is over, Imma gonna show them to my boys so they can get their hair cut like that:) They are still refusing to have me or my hubby but their hair....LOLZ

Pilar said...

I agree Rowena. Being healthy is what's most important right now. Have a wonderful week!

Jamila said...

Hi Rowena, I completely agree with you 100 per cent on the fact that we need to focus our energies on staying healthy and getting through this. I have been putting things in perspective and taking the time to count my many blessings through all of this. It is not always easy but we will all get through this together. That is my prayer! -

Ivana Split said...

I couldn't agree more. This pandemic is a terrible thing but we must learn what we can from it- and it does make one realize how many unimportant things there are. Letting go of those things is so rewarding. It is great your husband is so supportive of you and you of him in these trying times. My husband has also been helping me when work gets crazy. It is important to work on connections and friendships that truly matter as opposed to spending hours scrolling social media without any meaningful interaction. Friendships are important. Together we are stronger.

Lovely said...

Agree Rowena, being healthy is very important, I have been eating right and exercising more!


Shireen L. Platt said...

I couldn't agree more with what you said here, many things are unnecessary and I've discovered the little joys in life through this.

little luxury list said...

I hear you Rowena. Slowly, I've been trying to get only things that really bring joy and fit with my home. Our home is not immaculate, but we're slowly making it full of meaningful things.

little luxury list said...

p.s. I can only offer words of support, but wish you a recovery from your pain.*hugs*

Doctor Anne said...

The current situation really help put things into perspective.