The Joy Of Saying No

Wise Words To Live By, The Joy of Saying No

There is this conception that saying no can be restrictive and causes us to miss out on things and that might be the case in certain situations. I'm actually of the belief that saying no can be very liberating and is one of the secrets to being happy. In fact it's something I swear by. I have very specific interests and choose a certain type of lifestyle. I'm not easily swayed and say no to many things. Yes this has it's limits but it also makes my choices more meaningful and ultimately makes my life better.

It's really important to figure out our priorities and know what we want in life. This plays a major role in how much we value ourselves. When it comes down to it, we must live for ourselves and not let the fear of being judged or disliked prevent us from saying no. I mean how many times have we halfheartedly committed ourselves to something we didn't really want to do or given into peer pressure only to wonder what we got ourselves into later on. This is why saying no is so powerful and freeing. You can never go really go wrong in choosing yourself.


The Dainty Dolls House said...

I agree!! We do need to be able to say no to things, especially things that aren't for us. Its good to try new things yes but, if it doesn't add anything to one's life, then it's definitely worth saying no. Distractions will only keep you from reaching your goals. I hope you have a great day lovely :) x

Ivana Split said...

Well said! Learning how to say no is very important, especially for us women who sometimes say yes just to please others. Moreover, saying no teaches us about what we really want.

Jackie Harrison said...

SO true!!!! I have to agree with this post, even though I learn several years ago how to start saying no and since I been less stress and happier with my choices, In the beginning of blogging I thought I have to say yes to every company in life did not want to hurt peoples feelings including family. I learn and now No is a word that you are putting yourself and needs first no need to overwhelmed yourself the only person you hurt is yourself. Great post.

Emmylou said...

Amen! I know I've offended some people when I had to say no, but man...there's only so much one can take! And you're so right, chingu, about the joy of choosing yourself, especially when you know you're being taken advantage of.

R's Rue said...

So good.

The Exclusive Beauty Diary said...

I completely agree with every word that you wrote. Say No is so important for happy life. Before I was person who didn't know said No, and was in many situation when I didn't feel comfortable and happy. After I start say no I realise who are my friends and who respect my wishes.

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Mica said...

i agree so much! it's hard saying no sometimes, but we need to say no to things to make time for the things we really value!

Hope that your week is going well :)

Away From Blue

Sakuranko said...

For me, saying is not something very liberating. I got rid of a lot of things thanks to that magic word. Great post

Paola Lauretano said...

Totally agree! Well written post my dear Rowena!!!
Kisses, Paola.


FashionRadi said...

You're so right... very important to know what you want so you can be sure in your no and yes answers. I'm really good at this LOL!

Beatriz Lopes said...

So nice blog, I LOVE IT.


Beauty Unearthly said...

Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx