Going Through A Life Change Doesn't Have To Be Scary

Whether you're one who enjoys change or tend to be hesitant about it, change is the one thing in this world that we can rely on.  This means that we’ll do best if we are open to embracing this fact. Going through a life change may not always pleasant or something you're expecting that life-affirming platitudes can ring a hollow. Taking a mature approach to change is sometimes better than handwaving its implications with a few nice quotes. But it is important to remember that  while we cannot always change our external circumstances but we do have control over how we react to the situation at hand. For instance, if we find ourselves suffering from a health condition, it may be scary at first, treatment options and solutions do exist to ensure we can enjoy a satisfying, if altered, quality of life.

Find A Community
You’d be surprised just how much community support can help if you’re going through a problem or a big life change. There are people who've gone through the same experience so they understand and can offer a shoulder to lean on or render advice (sometimes both). For instance, if you are newly disabled, then it could be that talking to an online, support community of wheelchair users can help. They can tell you about the most accessible and stylish wheelchair clothing to use or how to find accessible businesses you so that you can plan your days out more readily. We all need community and the power of the internet makes it easier to find one.

Ask For Help & Support
There’s absolutely no shame in asking for help and support when we need it as there are situations where we can't do it ourselves. You may be quite surprised by just how much this can aid you. You might find that support schemes are out there to make trips easier, or to help donate goods to look after a newborn, or perhaps a food bank scheme if you find that your income just isn’t enough to make ends meet despite strict budgeting. Little efforts like this can make a huge difference.

Take It Day By Day
Taking it day by day is all you have to do. It’s hard not to think about the future and all the implications of a life change when you experience one, but remember, you don’t have to live your entire future all at once and you may not feel the worry that you feel now over time. Taking it day by day helps you to heal and become accustomed to your situation, or will assist you in making the most of it. That’s all that should ever be expected from you.

Hopefully you can get through whatever changes life throws at you. It just takes a little understanding that there are resources that will help you to adjust.

This is a contributed post.
Photo: Singles


Emmylou said...

So true, my friend....the only thing constant in this world is that everything changes, and that we may not able to control, but we can control how we react to it. Health changes is definitely one of those things I dread, especially after my younger sis was diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking everything day by day is such a great advice in dealing with this kind of stuff.

Pilar said...

These are such good tips! Life is always changing and you're right it doesn't have to be scary and help is available.

Jackie Harrison said...

One day at a time is a must for me.