Simple Tips For Health And Happiness

Chen Kun Marie Claire

When most people are asked what they want, the standard response is for themselves and their loved ones to to live healthy and happy lives.. But just saying that doesn’t mean it is easy to achieve. When you find yourself putting your all into one aspect of your life like maximizing your efficiency and productivity at work, rediscovering your passions, going out and socializing with friends, you may find that other aspects of your life and care can fall by the wayside and you stop looking after for yourself in the ways you should.  When this happens, it just means that you have to make some adjustments to achieve that balance of ‘living your best life’ while maintaining your health and happiness.

Prepare Ahead Of Time
When you merely go with the flow, you're more prone to make poor choices. It could be that you're so caught up in the moment and don't make time for your exercise or working out at Fitness 19, or that you're too tired after work to cook a healthy and balanced meal and opt for takeout more than you should for the sake of convenience. When feasible, try to plan ahead of time rather than make decisions at the last moment. If you know you will be meeting your friends, plan where you will eat and meal plan and prep your meals on the weekends when you can to save time during the week. Schedule regular times for exercise that work into your daily routines. Having a handle on your calendar and set routine will set you up to strike the perfect balance of having fun, living, and looking after your own personal health.

Ensure Your Body Gets What It Needs
You can physically can’t give it your all if you aren't equipped to do so. Your body can only push so far before burning out and ceasing to properly function. You must make conscious decisions to provide your body and mind with what they require in order to stay healthy and get the most out of each day. Make sure you're eating right so that your body has the nutrients it requires to perform properly. This means a well balanced diet, staying hydrated and getting adequate rest and making time to relax.  When your body and mind can properly recover on a regular basis, you will not only feel better but also have more energy and your mood will improve.

Remember Your Mental Health
Don't forget about your mental health which is just as important as your physical health.  Mental health is essential to personal well-being and all of your relationships with others as well as society as a whole.The key to happiness and being healthy is finding the perfect balance. It is important that you are fueling your mind and spirit but doing what makes you happy that also allows you to mentally unwind.  Having a positive mental outlook will help to balance your physical health needs.

Always listen to your body. If you find yourself showing physical signs of exhaustion or feeling mentally burned out, take a step back to address it. Support your body and mind properly and they will support you. 

This is a contributed post.


Steph-G said...

Awareness for good mental health has been popular these days because everyone is having to cope with different stress and I do agree that it is crucial if you want to be happy and have peace of mind.

R's Rue said...

Something to ponder my friend. Thank you.

Ivana Split said...

Nice tips.

Jackie Harrison said...

Great tips with what going on around us we should focus on self care in every way especially mentally.